Sunday, January 8, 2012

second month - smoking with others and driving

this last week was quite unhappy for me

i hurt my back really bad - and i took a few big hits one night and it put me to sleep
i took a fresh bud and pulled a piece off and this time i rolled it up before i put it in the pipe and it was too intense to hold it in - i also made some pot pancakes which was fun but i don't feel anything with them except maybe a syrup high!

taking a lot like that after my surgery made me concerned that i would have those complications i had in my 2nd and 3rd week of my eyes feeling messed up and stuff - i did not have that problem this time and i think as i go into week 4 of my prk recovery it feels ok to get back into some smoking

today i woke up feeling really bad, emotionally, mentally and physically - i tried a few very small hits with my morning coffee and felt really good - i happened to have some worship music playing and i felt like praying, it was a good sunday morning - i play music in church tonight and it would be funny if i told them about my pot and prayer story!

yesterday i was around my pot smoking friends and they offered me some - i denied it like i always do - i am still afraid to get high with others because of my painful experiences i had in my late teens - i am also afraid of not being able to play music right and messing up

the biggest fear i have of taking it outside of my home is that i eventually have to drive home and i am so scared of driving bad and/or being pulled over even though people have assured me that those are not really big issues - i am taking this all very slowly and i think its better to be overcautious then jump into something too fast

i am grateful for my friends who have provided for me and encouraged me in this process - thanks hippies! i was told a hippie joke: how can you tell when hippies have stayed at your house? they are still there!

1 comment:

  1. Before you cook anything with marijuana, you must first saute' the marijuana in an oil-base product such as butter / oil by itself. Only after about 5 mins of low saute' will the THC in the Oils combine, then you cook you pancake right on top of that same pan with the ingredients from pan at the bottom of cake, or simply scrape entire pan into a single cupcake and bake. This works well to control my spasticity from multiple sclerosis of 15 years.

    Best of luck,

